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Wednesday, April 22, 2009

MLM, Internet Marketing & Social Media Merge - Are You Ready?

Web. 2.0 is here and social media marketing is the new wave for network marketing on the internet. To be an upcoming MLM business success story you need to be aware of the power of Social Marketing, and learn to use it today.

For a generation that has grown up on the internet, this makes perfect sense and with an "aha" they look at their blog, FaceBook and MySpace in the light of social marketing of their MLM program.

But for those of us in the over 50 age bracket, this news arouses a bit of anxiety and, well, denial, because we see it as totally outside of our capabilities and just don't want to have to address it.

The first impulse may be to dismiss the whole thing (like the idea of doing business on the internet, 20 years ago, it isn't going anywhere.) The internet has changed how we function in business, network marketing and otherwise. And as daunting as this has been, many of us, at 50+ have "adjusted" and can function quite well in this new arena.

And a little skepticism is healthy. Like-who says internet marketing and social media marketing are the future? Well, recently, BusinessWeek, Feb. 20, 2008, updated their 2005 article on blogging with "Social Media Will change Your Business." They say that although you can fight the idea (blogs), "you cannot afford to close your eyes to them, because they're simply the most explosive outbreak in the information world since the internet itself."

Wow. That should get your attention->but maybe you still want to dismiss it.

Then, at a social gathering, new terms like Squidoo, Youtube and delicio crop up in conversation. Blogs seem to be something everybody talks about and someone inevitably brings up MySpace and Facebook. Your head begins to spin. Suddenly you wonder if all your dedication and effort expended in building your network marketing business, along with your dream of long term residual income and retirement are going down the tubes. What is going on? How can you possibly compete? You might feel like a train is going past at 100 miles per hour and you don't have any idea how to jump aboard. You don't want to be left behind. And you don't have a clue as to how to catch up.

It can be overwhelming. But take heart. All is not lost. Even though we may be a bit intimidated, this phenomenon is actually leveling the playing field and we have some advantages over the computer generations. You have many life experiences, skills and successes to draw from. You may have a great deal of education, experience building teams or relating with people socially, as well as success managing a business or running a home.

People who feel overwhelmed don't succeed because they don't begin. But successful people also know how to find out where to go for information, who to listen to, and what to invest their time in to gain the knowledge needed.

The internet has changed how we do business. It stands to reason that network marketing must change too. We have the advantage of past experience to fall back on. We know what to do. Become educated. Become a professional in this new arena. Get training from someone who is involved in social media marketing and can direct you to the information you need.

Effectiveness and simplicity are key here. You need to stay ahead of the curve. Find and follow a step by step process to position yourself as an internet marketing professional in your network marketing home business and watch your financial opportunity take on proportions that you had only barely dared dream before.

With the proper mentoring, you will find that the web has grown user-friendly and even computer illiterates can conquer the steps to be successful at internet network marketing and social media in a short amount of time. With guidance, you will easily understand what to do without being confused or getting hung up on technical aspects.

Using blogs as an example of one of the first avenues of social marketing, but including newer video and other networking sites, BusinessWeek, Feb. 20, 2008 says "...blogs are a phenomenon that you cannot ignore, postpone or delegate. Given the changes barreling down upon us, blogs are not a business elective. They're a prerequisite."

Conquering all the nuances of Web.2.0 may seem daunting. But all this "social" stuff - bookmarking, networking, file-sharing, content contributions, viral marketing and all points in between, simply involves learning a few new terms, following concrete steps to create your web presence in a network of content and ideas using your knowledge and skills to help other people, assuring your success in the process.

It's about working smarter ... Not harder! So take the steps, educate yourself and become an entrepreneur of the future.

Claire Covington coaches network marketers to achieve their goals and build a strong, duplicating organization using web 2.0 and internet attraction marketing. She mentors them to success by utilizing the latest internet strategies and training to attract business partners to themselves and create positive cash flow during the process.

Click Renegade University Guide to enroll for free training. Start learning and implementing the most current internet marketing ideas and strategies today.

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