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Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Gossip Girl Music Guide - Episode 13

One of the things that makes this show so great to watch is the great Gossip Girl music you hear every week. If you listen close, there's no end to the great new bands (and awesome old ones) you can discover listening to the Gossip Girl songs in each scene.

Episode 13, "A Thin Line Between Chuck and Nate" starts off with the song "Got Ur Number" by Nadia Oh. If you've heard this song or listen closely to the lyrics, it's enough to make you laugh out loud... because this is the Gossip Girl song playing when Serena is caught buying a pregnancy test. And it seems like everybody has somebody to call (someone's number) to report what was spotted. Good thing Serena didn't have much of a reputation to begin with.

The next piece of Gossip Girl music you'll hear is "You'll Change" by Machine Translations. This song plays while Nate is asking Blair to go with him to visit his father in rehab. And it's true-- things have changed between Blair and Nate. For the first time, Blair finally feels like Nate really is beginning to need and rely on her. This doesn't last long after Nate finds out about Blair and Chuck... I guess that's a sort of change, too. Poor Blair.

"The Air We Breathe" is a sad, quiet song, and it's the song you'll hear playing when Blair is walking alone, remember her relationship with Nate, feeling heartbroken by all that she's lost. "Do you feel you're close to me?" the song asks, and it must be just what Blair's asking... because she's further from Nate than ever.

The last of the Gossip Girl songs in Episode 13 is "Happily Never After" by Nichole Scherzinger. It's a sweet, sad little long that is the perfect backdrop to Blair trying to run away to France... and Serena convincing her to stay. "My whole life is falling apart," Blair says. It sounds like her happily never after is staring her in the face, and she still decides to stay and face it. To hold her ground. Good for Blair.

By Karen / You have full permission t


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