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Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Gossip Girl Episode 2 Recap - Never Been Marcused

A whole lot of drama and conniving behavior filled the second episode of Gossip Girl as each of the characters attempted to indulge themselves and satisfy their personal cravings. Now that Blair knows that she is dating royalty, she is doing her best to hold onto Marcus and impress his family with her social status and breeding.

Marcus does what he can to keep Blair from meeting the Duchess, but the more he tries, the more pushy Blair becomes. In an attempt to keep Chuck away from Marcus, Blair recruits the help to put together a last minute Welcome Home party. The party also serves Blairs desire to prove to Marcus that she is worthy of him.

Like most of her conniving schemes, the party ends up backfiring on Blair when no one is enjoying themselves and a bunch of total strangers keep the party from impressing anyone. Just when Blair thinks the party cannot get any worse Chuck shows up, with a guest, and things get very interesting, very fast. Chuck arranges to meet the Duchess and takes her to Blairs party where Blair is quick to insult Chucks supposed date.

Knowing who Blair is, the Duchess introduces herself as Marcus step mom and makes it clear to Blair that she is not good enough for him. Things come to a head Gossip Girl style when Nate ends up walking in on the meeting between girlfriend and step mom, and Serena has the pleasure of introducing Blairs ex to Catherine and the mother of Blairs new love interest to Nate. Awkward!

Still stressing over the impression she made on Catherine, Blair walks in on Nate and Catherine in a very compromising position in her library. Now that the tables have turned, Blair is able to weasel the approval of the Duchess that she so desperately sought, and Marcus is none the wiser.

Meanwhile, Serena and Dans relationship heats up and they wake up on the beach the morning after they made up. Serena insists on taking things slow though, so that they can work out the problems that they had when they first broke up. Neither of them is really able to stick to the plan though and a bus trip ends up with the two of them making a rendezvous in the bus bathroom.

Nate and his family have major problems of their own, and I can see this creating future problems for Nate as the season progresses. With his fathers disappearance, the FBI is putting pressure on his mother and has frozen all their accounts and assets. Chuck finds out and sells some of his stock in order to give Nates mother a personal loan. Later, Nate tells Catherine about the money flow problem and she also hands him a very thick envelope.

In the meantime, Vanessa makes her way into Nates life again, even if just for a moment. Nate actually comes to her when he has no one to talk to, but as soon as Catherine shows up Nate stands up his dinner plans with Vanessa and then calls to apologize. In true Gossip Girl style, the status of more than one relationship is open to questioning and there is the potential for anything to happen.

By Tom / You have full permission to reprint this article provided this box is kept unchanged.

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