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Thursday, April 23, 2009

Alternatives a Good Idea When Even Buffett Isn't Spared From the Economic Downturn

Summer is over. The children are back to school and the world is getting back to business. One of the things that caught my eye before the labor day weekend was that Warren Buffet's Berkshire Hathaway, is down around 20%. If we were talking about anyone else, I wouldn't be very surprised in light of the current market. However, we are talking about Warren Buffett and I think it is a clear signal that we are in uncharted waters when even the best can get pulled down this much.

The most basic market credo is that you can't time the market, but what happens when you can't find the market? Is it possible that the interdependence of sectors and the effects of globalization are obliterating what were once tried and true strategies? I do believe it's possible, and the shift of money to the ever increasing interest in alternative investments may help fuel future decline. Simply stated if money is being pulled out of the global equities markets and then invested into private alternative investments, then you start losing buyers of equities which in turn will put pressure on equity prices. Let's be clear. I am talking about a long drawn out process and this is not going to happen overnight in any volume that will be immediately noticed.

There will always be buyers of equities, but I think after the recent awakening to the losses, a proportionate amount of money that used to be invested in stocks will be invested in alternative investments for a long time to come. In fact, even after a market rebound we may find that alternative investments have a permanent place in even the most traditional portfolios in the name of diversification. One note of caution here; there are a lot of things that call themselves alternative investments but may not be an alternative at all. For example: a hedge fund that is either publically traded or whose strategy is based on publically traded investments will not provide much insulation from the market.

I wrote about this in detail in "Alternative Investments Need to be Private" and I feel strongly about this principle. To bring it back to Warren Buffett, I would never underestimate the man and a successful career does not get negated by a bad year. It is not often that we get to learn from his mistakes so let's listen up and take note, because any time he has been this far down he has come roaring back. However, the lesson here is not how he will come back, but more with what he will come back with?

This article was written by Dominic Mazzone, Managing Partner and Fund Manager of Regent Global Funds.

This article and other like it can be viewed at which is part of the Regent Global Funds Network.

Regent Global Funds,, is an alternative investment fund that offers its participating investors and asset backed investment through asset based lending.

The Fund Managers of Regent Global Funds have an expertise in commercial real estate lending and have created a successful alternative investment vehicle that is diversified through this structure.

They separate themselves from other fund mangers by personally investing their own money side-by-side with their investors in the fund, creating an absolute structure of accountability. Dominic Mazzone has written about the need for this type of accountability in an article titled "Fund Managers Need to be Accessible and Personally Invested."

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Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Gossip Girl Episode 2 Preview - Never Been Marcused

In Summer, Kind of Wonderful, we found out that the guy Blair was using to make Chuck was actually a British Lord. Moments after Blair finds out that James is actually Marcus, Chuck learns the exact same news from the private investigator he hired to dig up the Lords past.

Last episode left us wondering if Blair would break down and give Chuck another chance, even though she said goodbye and left the White Party with her new boyfriend. It seems like there is no going back for Blair though, at least not right away. Now that she knows all about Marcus true identity, it is her chance to prove herself worthy of him.

Eager to meet the rest of the family, Blair asks Marcus when she will be introduced the Duke and Duchess. To her surprise, she is shot down by Marcus and learns that she will have to wait, but Chuck has taken the situation into his own hands again and has a surprise up his sleeve.

While at a party in Manhattan with Blair, Chuck, Serena and Marcus in attendance, Chuck introduces the Duchess to Blair. Only Blair does not realize that the female Chuck has brought with him is the Duchess and she attempts to put her down. Realizing her mistake, Blair showers the Duchess with compliments, but will it be too late? And will the Duchess tell Marcus about Blairs rudeness? For now, it seems like good old Chuck has come out on top again.

By Tom / You have full permission to reprint this article provided this box is kept unchanged.

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Gossip Girl Episode 3 Recap - The Dark Night

The last episode had me expecting entirely different outcomes this time around, but I guess I should know better because nothing on Gossip Girl ever turns out the way you think it will.

The show starts out with everyone expressing frustration over their relationships, or lack of. Nate and Vanessa talk about getting together over the phone, Catherine hears parts of the conversation and becomes suspicious. In the meantime, Blair becomes frustrated with Marcus when he insists on taking things slow.

Gossip Girl catches a shot of Serena and Dan making out in public and does them the favor of letting the rest of Manhattan know they are back together. The pair then has the work of answering everyones questions about their renewed relationship, but Blair tells Serena that she doubts that they will be together for long.

When Nate and Vanessa finally get the chance to meet up, Catherine follows the pair and then calls Blair to find out who Nates new interest is. Blair lets Catherine in on Vanessa's identity and history, and then hatches a plan with Catherine. Blair takes a trip to Brooklyn to pop in on Vanessa and Nate, inviting them to her party where the couple is bound to run into Catherine.

Wanting to get out from under Catherine's thumb, Nate approaches Chuck to borrow the money that Chuck offered his mother. Nate then finds out that Chuck no longer has the money and goes back to Catherine. A Japanese stewardess shows up at Chucks place, and Chuck later tells Serena that he is having a hard time with the women.

Jenny hits heads first with her boss, and then designer Waldorf after she shares her opinion on a dress that she is styling for a model. Before she can leave, the power goes out in New York and Jenny is stuck in the studio with Waldorf.

At Blair's party Nate is in attendance with Catherine when Vanessa shows up on her own after Nate told her he can no longer make it. Chuck hits on Blair, but she turns him down before going to find Marcus. Once the power goes out Nate takes the opportunity to tell Vanessa that Catherine is basically blackmailing him into the relationship.

Nate vows to end the relationship, but while the power is out Catherine finds Vanessa and threatens to expose the whereabouts of Nate's dad if Vanessa does not end their relationship. Vanessa tells Nate the relationship is over and leaves.

Back at her place, Serena and Dan get stuck in the elevator during the blackout and attempt to resolve the relationship issues that they have been ignoring. Before the power comes back on, Serena and Dan decide that their relationship is over because neither can get over the past.

The most shocking event was saved for last when Chuck and Blair end up making out in her room while the lights are out. Marcus walks in on the two of them, but Blair tries to lie her way out of it. In front of the entire party Blair and Marcus fight, and it ends with Blair telling Marcus she does not feel desired by him because he does not act like he wants her.

Marcus and Blair end up making out on the stairs in front of everyone, but especially Chuck who obviously has a flame for her still.

By Tom / You have full permission to reprint this article provided this box is kept unchanged.

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Gossip Girl Episode 2 Recap - Never Been Marcused

A whole lot of drama and conniving behavior filled the second episode of Gossip Girl as each of the characters attempted to indulge themselves and satisfy their personal cravings. Now that Blair knows that she is dating royalty, she is doing her best to hold onto Marcus and impress his family with her social status and breeding.

Marcus does what he can to keep Blair from meeting the Duchess, but the more he tries, the more pushy Blair becomes. In an attempt to keep Chuck away from Marcus, Blair recruits the help to put together a last minute Welcome Home party. The party also serves Blairs desire to prove to Marcus that she is worthy of him.

Like most of her conniving schemes, the party ends up backfiring on Blair when no one is enjoying themselves and a bunch of total strangers keep the party from impressing anyone. Just when Blair thinks the party cannot get any worse Chuck shows up, with a guest, and things get very interesting, very fast. Chuck arranges to meet the Duchess and takes her to Blairs party where Blair is quick to insult Chucks supposed date.

Knowing who Blair is, the Duchess introduces herself as Marcus step mom and makes it clear to Blair that she is not good enough for him. Things come to a head Gossip Girl style when Nate ends up walking in on the meeting between girlfriend and step mom, and Serena has the pleasure of introducing Blairs ex to Catherine and the mother of Blairs new love interest to Nate. Awkward!

Still stressing over the impression she made on Catherine, Blair walks in on Nate and Catherine in a very compromising position in her library. Now that the tables have turned, Blair is able to weasel the approval of the Duchess that she so desperately sought, and Marcus is none the wiser.

Meanwhile, Serena and Dans relationship heats up and they wake up on the beach the morning after they made up. Serena insists on taking things slow though, so that they can work out the problems that they had when they first broke up. Neither of them is really able to stick to the plan though and a bus trip ends up with the two of them making a rendezvous in the bus bathroom.

Nate and his family have major problems of their own, and I can see this creating future problems for Nate as the season progresses. With his fathers disappearance, the FBI is putting pressure on his mother and has frozen all their accounts and assets. Chuck finds out and sells some of his stock in order to give Nates mother a personal loan. Later, Nate tells Catherine about the money flow problem and she also hands him a very thick envelope.

In the meantime, Vanessa makes her way into Nates life again, even if just for a moment. Nate actually comes to her when he has no one to talk to, but as soon as Catherine shows up Nate stands up his dinner plans with Vanessa and then calls to apologize. In true Gossip Girl style, the status of more than one relationship is open to questioning and there is the potential for anything to happen.

By Tom / You have full permission to reprint this article provided this box is kept unchanged.

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Gossip Girl Music Guide - Episode 13

One of the things that makes this show so great to watch is the great Gossip Girl music you hear every week. If you listen close, there's no end to the great new bands (and awesome old ones) you can discover listening to the Gossip Girl songs in each scene.

Episode 13, "A Thin Line Between Chuck and Nate" starts off with the song "Got Ur Number" by Nadia Oh. If you've heard this song or listen closely to the lyrics, it's enough to make you laugh out loud... because this is the Gossip Girl song playing when Serena is caught buying a pregnancy test. And it seems like everybody has somebody to call (someone's number) to report what was spotted. Good thing Serena didn't have much of a reputation to begin with.

The next piece of Gossip Girl music you'll hear is "You'll Change" by Machine Translations. This song plays while Nate is asking Blair to go with him to visit his father in rehab. And it's true-- things have changed between Blair and Nate. For the first time, Blair finally feels like Nate really is beginning to need and rely on her. This doesn't last long after Nate finds out about Blair and Chuck... I guess that's a sort of change, too. Poor Blair.

"The Air We Breathe" is a sad, quiet song, and it's the song you'll hear playing when Blair is walking alone, remember her relationship with Nate, feeling heartbroken by all that she's lost. "Do you feel you're close to me?" the song asks, and it must be just what Blair's asking... because she's further from Nate than ever.

The last of the Gossip Girl songs in Episode 13 is "Happily Never After" by Nichole Scherzinger. It's a sweet, sad little long that is the perfect backdrop to Blair trying to run away to France... and Serena convincing her to stay. "My whole life is falling apart," Blair says. It sounds like her happily never after is staring her in the face, and she still decides to stay and face it. To hold her ground. Good for Blair.

By Karen / You have full permission t


Get All The Latest Gossip In Celebrity Magazines

Magazines are an attractive way in which information is authored. It lets us learn so much about happenings in the fashion world, world of cinemas, world of art and music, world portraying celebrities and personalities, in our city, in our country, or in the world. Some magazines are only loved for their gossip. Since people are basically inquisitive by nature, they want to know constantly what's happening in other peoples' lives and the world. People love to dig into the lives and styles of celebrities and personalities, heroes and heroines, pop stars and models. Who does not want to know about them? All these little juicy tit bits are found in these magazines, which find big sales as a result. You get all the latest gossip when you read celebrity magazines.

Celebrity magazines are full of amazing stuff. People are sometimes more interested in the life of Sanjay Dutt or Britney Spears, rather than their own. Why? Because it is so much more exciting and thrilling than their own quiet and drab lives. Sometimes, it is sad that people try to judge celebrities on false rumors that have been written about them. At the same time, there are also others who sympathize with their lives and situations. This may increase their fan count by generating publicity. Gossip columns can work both ways. Either they can be detrimental to their popularity chart, or they can be beneficial.

Another reason why they are so pursued after by fans, is that celebrities are not easily reachable otherwise. They live in the world of glamour and glitz, where we cannot touch or see them. They are like stars, so high up, and so distant. So, we need to satisfy ourselves with reading magazines about them. Another reason for reading this gossip is to keep an update with the latest happenings, like who is marrying whom, and who is in line for divorce. If it were not for these magazines, where would we get this kind of information? What would be the cost of it? It is such a small price to pay for all that first hand secret and private information. These magazines are undoubtedly valuable, and so easily available.

Celebrity lives are so closeted, except for a few bold ones. Kudos to these journalists, who go sniffing for all kinds of information, to feed us with these gossips and tit bit columns. When we read, we need to be careful. I know we can never really be sure about these matters. Some magazines are authentic and do not believe in yellow journalism. So, you can actually believe what they say. I think, if you don't read, then start doing so. Soon you will realize how addictive these stories can be. When you are bored and feeling dull, these celebrity magazines can perk your senses up and make you sit up straight.

Victor Epand is an expert consultant about magazines and comics. When looking for magazines and comics, we recommend you shop only at the best magazine and comic stores for celebrity magazines, used celebrity magazines, and used comics.

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Website Traffic and Social Marketing with Twitter

Every Internet Marketer worth his or her salt knows that in order be successful as an online entrepreneur you must have some way to get people to your website. If they don't come, they won't buy. And if they don't buy-well, you're not much of a marketer; at least you're not a successful marketer.

So every online maven uses every available trick to bring traffic to their websites. I'd like to tell you about one method of brining in the traffic may have been overlooked by many marketers.


Twitter is a free social networking and mini-blogging application that allows its users to write 140 characters per micro-blog. These updates are sent to all their friends, who are people that are 'following' them, as well as being put out on the public timeline where every Twitter on planet earth can see them. Some people use Twitter as their own personal blog, where they talk about everything from their cats and kids, to the savvy internet marketer who places the url's of their online business offerings in their 'tweets' in order to get those website addresses out in front of as many people as possible.

In order for this to work, you must be 'following' a great many people and have a great many people 'following' you as well. If you're following someone on Twitter, it means that you see all of their updates (micro-blog posts) each time they post. The more people you have following you-the better it is for your online endeavors.

You can perform searches on Twitter to locate people in a geographical area or by interests. Once you've found someone you want to follow, you go to their Twitter page and click on the word 'follow' underneath their avatar. Some Twitter folk have their updates protected-meaning that the general public is barred from reading their updates. You can request to follow them and an email will be sent to them with your request.

Using Twitter as a social networking tool is a great way to get to know people who share your interests-whether they be about the music you like or your brand new eBook that went on sale today-and an excellent way to generate interest and traffic. You can send Twitter updates via your cell phone from tech events or just from your bus while you commute. There are all kinds of add-ons to Twitter that you

Social Networking sites like Twitter are best used by creating a following-and following others-in order to foster a relationship with potential clients. Once you build trust by giving them a window in on your world, it's much easier to make them a customer. People tend to buy things from people they trust-and they will discover as they read your Tweets, that you are a trustworthy soul.

So in order to funnel more traffic to your website, it's a good idea to use every social networking tool at your disposal and that includes Twitter.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Brian T. Edmondson specializes in teaching others how to make money with Internet and Information Marketing. Discover his secrets of how fun and easy it is to make money on the internet at

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Elder Abuse - a Deepening Current Social Issue Problem

People are living longer and longer lives; many requiring ongoing, long-term care. Current events show that more elder abuse cases are being reported than in years past, and many experts believe that the actual number of cases will increase in the years ahead as older Americans constitute a larger proportion of the U.S. population than ever before. One of the pressing current social issue problems of our time is elder abuse, which can include physical harm, sexual abuse, emotional or psychological abuse, financial or material exploitation, and intentional or unintentional neglect.

Many baby boomers, currently the age group ranging from 40 to 60 years old, can expect to live well into their 80s and 90s. Elder care often falls to the grown children of seniors, who now are baby boomers and busy with their own children and careers. Getting caught in this care-giving sandwich can be an emotional as well as a financial burden.

Complicating the problem is the fact that, in the next few years the first baby boomers will reach retirement age. "As the elderly population continues to grow, and as health care and senior living arrangements increase in costs, more people will assume responsibility for those who raised them," predicts Carmel Bitondo Dyer, associate professor of medicine at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston and codirector of the Texas Elder Abuse and Mistreatment Institute. "With few alternatives and no training in how to handle their new-found care giving responsibilities, many will inflict pain." (See the current article on elder abuse, who's at Risk?)

No one knows exactly how many elderly people are mistreated, but the National Research Council's Panel to Review Prevalence and Risk of Elder Abuse and Neglect estimated in a 2003 report that between one and two million Americans, aged 65 or older, have been injured, exploited, neglected or otherwise mistreated by someone on whom they depend for care or protection. The figures for the United States are thought to reflect those in the rest of the world.

The National Center on Elder Abuse, funded by the U.S. Administration on Aging, estimates that only one in six domestic elder abuse cases is reported to authorities. For instance, in 2003, 565,747 cases were reported to state Adult Protective Services agencies in the United States, whereas they believe the actual number of elder abuse victims for that year may have been closer to two million.

In an article featured in Vision Magazine, one such case of elder abuse involves a social worker's report about a man who started exhibiting signs of dementia. His 32 year old daughter suggested he move in with her and coerced her father into granting her power-of-attorney. She quickly took advantage of the situation, withdrawing $500 each day out of his checking account, soon bringing the account balance to zero. She cashed her father's $2,000-a-month pension check using some of it to pay for her father's food, doctor bills and medications, but spending the majority on her own living expenses.

As her father's dementia worsened, he also lost bladder and bowel control, and it became harder for her to care for her father. As a result her tolerance level for him and his condition decreased. But she knew that if he went into a nursing home or an assisted-living facility where he would get 24-hour professional care, she would lose her father's pension checks. Her solution: she tied her father onto the toilet and kept him there for several days at a time until he was so dehydrated and sick that he was dying.

What can we do as a society to curb the current social problem of elder abuse? According to Elizabeth Podnieks, vice president of the International Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse, "The first step is education. We need to get to the point where everybody knows what elder abuse is and is aware that it exists. The more we talk about it, the more real it becomes and the more people are shocked by it, and then the more committed we are going to be as a society to do something about it."

Eliminating elder abuse will take a commitment on the part of people everywhere to take responsibility for their thoughts and actions. In order to eliminate this growing current social issue problem, we need to be each other's keeper.

Author, Kristin Gabriel, writes articles on current issues in society and culture for Vision Media. More information about these and other topics can be found at

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Social Security Disability - What is a Disability?

Social Security Administration's Definition of Disability

The Social Security Administration has some qualifications to be considered a disability. To be defined as a disability, two conditions must be met:

1. The person is unable to do the work for which the disabled person is suited making at least $900 gross income per month (known as a Substantial Gainful Activity or SGA)

2. The condition has lasted continuously or is expected to last continuously for at least one year or will probably result in death.

Disabilities that meet these two requirements can be either mental or physical in nature or a combination of both types. The particular disability doesn't matter as long as the two requirements are met.

Social Security defines disability for these purposes to be a total disability, not a partial disability. The person applying for benefits must be considered completely disabled.

How is Ability to Do Work for Which You are Suited Determined?

In order to determine if you are unable to work, the Social Security Administration looks at two things:

1. You must be unable to perform the type of work you did for the past 15 years for a year or longer

2. You must be unable to perform any other type of work for which you are qualified

Other work for which you are qualified refers to work to which you could reasonably transfer your skills and is based upon your age, education, work experience, and any mental and/or physical limitations that you may have.

Time and Age Limits

There is no set length of time you can accrue benefits. As long as you meet the requirements of having a disability, you will receive Social Security Disability benefits.

There is no set age limit to receiving benefits. Once you reach age 65, however, your benefits will automatically convert into retirement benefits.

Earliest Time You May File a Claim

You must be disabled for five months prior to filing a claim. This is because benefits don't accrue until six months after the date of onset of your disability. The date of onset is the date when you were first unable to perform your work.

As you can see, what is considered a disability is a complicated definition. You may want to get help from a qualified attorney to assist you in the application process. Orlando Social Security Disability attorneys from the firm of Best & Anderson have a lot of experience helping people get the disability benefits they deserve.

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What Is Social Bookmarking?

Organizing Bookmarks

Most social bookmarking users use informal tags to organize their bookmarks. That takes away the need to use the traditional folders. The days when the older browser based systems were used, are over. However, some bookmark services encourage you to use a combination of folders and tags. Once you choose a tag, you get to know how many users have bookmarked that page. Sometimes clusters of tags are created based on the relationship of tags and bookmarks.

Web feeds for bookmarks include lists organized by tags. Some social bookmarking services take pride in providing these web feeds to their valued customers. As and when any new bookmarks are saved, shared or tagged by some users, the subscribers immediately become aware of it. Some extra features such as ratings and comments add value to these services. The more mature and popular a service becomes, the better features it provides and vice versa. Some of these features are: ability to import and export bookmarks, bookmark e-mailing, web annotation etc. Some social network or group features may be added as well.

History Of Social Bookmarking

The first social bookmarking service was launched in April 1996. Within a short span of three years the bookmarking scene became increasingly competitive. But along with the famous dot-com bubble burst, these companies too could not sustain themselves. There were no viable models for making money from bookmarking. It was a move ahead of its time.

The term 'social bookmarking' was officially coined in the latter half of 2003. This service was mainly focused on tagging at that time. In 2004 things started heating up. By 2007 major companies such as IBM entered the scene. Now we have specialized services for scientists, and there are services completely focused on business. There is a social software market, and BBC website has added bookmarking links for its news reports. Such is the wide reach and scope of this service.

Social bookmarking has a great future. It is far superior to traditional search engine spiders. In this system all classifications are done by humans and not by software. Since humans understand the content of the resource, the tag-based classification is authentic.

Lee Green, Success Coach and Business Mentor

Lee has over 30 years of business experience and has been online since 1994. He is an internet marketing and direct response professional and specializes in Web 2.0, Affiliate Marketing and Network Marketing strategies and techniques. People consider him consistently reliable, a good and well-liked friend and trusted advisor.

To subscribe to his newsletter and FREE REPORTS go to:

To learn more about how to make money online go to:

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MLM, Internet Marketing & Social Media Merge - Are You Ready?

Web. 2.0 is here and social media marketing is the new wave for network marketing on the internet. To be an upcoming MLM business success story you need to be aware of the power of Social Marketing, and learn to use it today.

For a generation that has grown up on the internet, this makes perfect sense and with an "aha" they look at their blog, FaceBook and MySpace in the light of social marketing of their MLM program.

But for those of us in the over 50 age bracket, this news arouses a bit of anxiety and, well, denial, because we see it as totally outside of our capabilities and just don't want to have to address it.

The first impulse may be to dismiss the whole thing (like the idea of doing business on the internet, 20 years ago, it isn't going anywhere.) The internet has changed how we function in business, network marketing and otherwise. And as daunting as this has been, many of us, at 50+ have "adjusted" and can function quite well in this new arena.

And a little skepticism is healthy. Like-who says internet marketing and social media marketing are the future? Well, recently, BusinessWeek, Feb. 20, 2008, updated their 2005 article on blogging with "Social Media Will change Your Business." They say that although you can fight the idea (blogs), "you cannot afford to close your eyes to them, because they're simply the most explosive outbreak in the information world since the internet itself."

Wow. That should get your attention->but maybe you still want to dismiss it.

Then, at a social gathering, new terms like Squidoo, Youtube and delicio crop up in conversation. Blogs seem to be something everybody talks about and someone inevitably brings up MySpace and Facebook. Your head begins to spin. Suddenly you wonder if all your dedication and effort expended in building your network marketing business, along with your dream of long term residual income and retirement are going down the tubes. What is going on? How can you possibly compete? You might feel like a train is going past at 100 miles per hour and you don't have any idea how to jump aboard. You don't want to be left behind. And you don't have a clue as to how to catch up.

It can be overwhelming. But take heart. All is not lost. Even though we may be a bit intimidated, this phenomenon is actually leveling the playing field and we have some advantages over the computer generations. You have many life experiences, skills and successes to draw from. You may have a great deal of education, experience building teams or relating with people socially, as well as success managing a business or running a home.

People who feel overwhelmed don't succeed because they don't begin. But successful people also know how to find out where to go for information, who to listen to, and what to invest their time in to gain the knowledge needed.

The internet has changed how we do business. It stands to reason that network marketing must change too. We have the advantage of past experience to fall back on. We know what to do. Become educated. Become a professional in this new arena. Get training from someone who is involved in social media marketing and can direct you to the information you need.

Effectiveness and simplicity are key here. You need to stay ahead of the curve. Find and follow a step by step process to position yourself as an internet marketing professional in your network marketing home business and watch your financial opportunity take on proportions that you had only barely dared dream before.

With the proper mentoring, you will find that the web has grown user-friendly and even computer illiterates can conquer the steps to be successful at internet network marketing and social media in a short amount of time. With guidance, you will easily understand what to do without being confused or getting hung up on technical aspects.

Using blogs as an example of one of the first avenues of social marketing, but including newer video and other networking sites, BusinessWeek, Feb. 20, 2008 says "...blogs are a phenomenon that you cannot ignore, postpone or delegate. Given the changes barreling down upon us, blogs are not a business elective. They're a prerequisite."

Conquering all the nuances of Web.2.0 may seem daunting. But all this "social" stuff - bookmarking, networking, file-sharing, content contributions, viral marketing and all points in between, simply involves learning a few new terms, following concrete steps to create your web presence in a network of content and ideas using your knowledge and skills to help other people, assuring your success in the process.

It's about working smarter ... Not harder! So take the steps, educate yourself and become an entrepreneur of the future.

Claire Covington coaches network marketers to achieve their goals and build a strong, duplicating organization using web 2.0 and internet attraction marketing. She mentors them to success by utilizing the latest internet strategies and training to attract business partners to themselves and create positive cash flow during the process.

Click Renegade University Guide to enroll for free training. Start learning and implementing the most current internet marketing ideas and strategies today.

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Results of Poor Cross Cultural Awareness

Results of Poor Cross Cultural Awareness. Having a poor understanding of the influence of cross cultural differences in areas such as management, PR, advertising and negotiations can eventually lead to blunders that can have damaging consequences.

It is crucial for today’s business personnel to understand the impact of cross cultural differences on business, trade and internal company organisation. The success or failure of a company, venture, merger or acquisition is essentially in the hands of people. If these people are not cross culturally aware then misunderstandings, offence and a break down in communication can occur.

The need for greater cross cultural awareness is heightened in our global economies. Cross cultural differences in matters such as language, etiquette, non-verbal communication, norms and values can, do and will lead to cross cultural blunders.

To illustrate this we have provided a few examples of cross cultural blunders that could have been avoided with appropriate cross cultural awareness training:

An American oil rig supervisor in Indonesia shouted at an employee to take a boat to shore. Since it is no-one berates an Indonesian in public, a mob of outraged workers chased the supervisor with axes.

Pepsodent tried to sell its toothpaste in Southeast Asia by emphasizing that it "whitens your teeth." They found out that the local natives chew betel nuts to blacken their teeth which they find attractive.

A company advertised eyeglasses in Thailand by featuring a variety of cute animals wearing glasses. The ad was a poor choice since animals are considered to be a form of low life and no self respecting Thai would wear anything worn by animals.

The soft drink Fresca was being promoted by a saleswoman in Mexico. She was surprised that her sales pitch was greeted with laughter, and later embarrassed when she learned that fresca is slang for "lesbian."

When President George Bush went to Japan with Lee Iacocca and other American business magnates, and directly made explicit and direct demands on Japanese leaders, they violated Japanese etiquette. To the Japanese (who use high context language) it is considered rude and a sign of ignorance or desperation to lower oneself to make direct demands. Some analysts believe it severely damaged the negotiations and confirmed to the Japanese that Americans are barbarians.

A soft drink was introduced into Arab countries with an attractive label that had stars on it--six-pointed stars. The Arabs interpreted this as pro-Israeli and refused to buy it. Another label was printed in ten languages, one of which was Hebrew--again the Arabs did not buy it.

U.S. and British negotiators found themselves at a standstill when the American company proposed that they "table" particular key points. In the U.S. "Tabling a motion" means to not discuss it, while the same phrase in Great Britain means to "bring it to the table for discussion."

In addition to interpersonal cross cultural gaffes, the translation of documents, brochures, advertisements and signs also offers us some comical cross cultural blunders:

Kellogg had to rename its Bran Buds cereal in Sweden when it discovered that the name roughly translated to "burned farmer."

When Pepsico advertised Pepsi in Taiwan with the ad "Come Alive With Pepsi" they had no idea that it would be translated into Chinese as "Pepsi brings your ancestors back from the dead."

American medical containers were distributed in Great Britain and caused quite a stir. The instructions to "Take off top and push in bottom," innocuous to Americans, had very strong sexual connotations to the British.

In Italy, a campaign for Schweppes Tonic Water translated the name into "Schweppes Toilet Water."

In a Belgrade hotel elevator: To move the cabin, push the button for wishing floor. If the cabin should enter more persons, each one should press a number of wishing floor. Driving is then going alphabetically by national order.

In a Yugoslavian hotel: The flattening of underwear with pleasure is the job of the chambermaid.

In a Bangkok dry cleaner's: Drop your trousers here for best results.

In an East African newspaper: A new swimming pool is rapidly taking shape since the contractors have thrown in the bulk of their workers.

Detour sign in Kyushi, Japan: Stop--Drive sideways.

At a Budapest zoo: Please do not feed the animals. If you have any suitable food, give it to the guard on duty.

In conclusion, poor cross cultural awareness has many consequences, some serious others comical. It is imperative that in the global economy cross cultural awareness is seen a necessary investment to avoid such blunders as we have seen above.

For more information on how Kwintessential can aid you in your cross cultural needs please visit

Neil Payne is Director and consultant of London based company

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Hurdles to Cross Cultural Business Communication

International businesses are facing new challenges to their internal communication structures due to major reforms brought about through internationalization, downsizing, mergers, acquisitions and joint ventures.

Lack of investment in cross cultural training and language tuition often leads to deficient internal cohesion. The loss of clients/customers, poor staff retention, lack of competitive edge, internal conflicts/power struggles, poor working relations, misunderstandings, stress, poor productivity and lack of co-operation are all by-products of poor cross cultural communication.

Cross cultural communications consultants work with international companies to minimise the above consequences of poor cross cultural awareness. Through such cooperation, consultancies like Kwintessential have recognised common hurdles to effective cross cultural communication within companies.

Here we outline a few examples of these obstacles to cross cultural co-operation:

Lack of Communication

It may seem obvious to state that non-communication is probably the biggest contributor to poor communication. Yet it continues to prove itself as the major problem within most companies.

Lack of communication with staff is not solely due to lack of spoken dialogue. Rather it relates to access to information.

For example, not giving feedback (negative or positive), informing staff of decisions and actions that will affect their roles or failure to properly communicate expectations are all ways in which information can be withheld from staff. This will eventually result in an alienated staff base that feels divided from management and superiors.

If managers are too selective in providing information, this can cause suspicion and jealousy among staff and will eventually result in internal strife instead of cohesion.

A management which does not and will not communicate and interact physically with staff demonstrates a lack of interest, trust and respect.

In the West it is often the case that communication lines are vertical. Staff report up to managers and managers up to senior levels and so on. Ideally lines of communication should run both ways. Those with a subordinate place in the communication process tend to feel estranged, indifferent and possibly even belligerent.

Lack of communication in all its forms is unhealthy. Companies and managers must be aware of how, what and to whom they are communicating.


Communication difficulties through language come in two forms:

Use of inappropriate language

Language carries with it subliminal meanings and messages transmitted through vocabulary, stress and tone. The wrong use of words or emotions hidden behind phrases can send messages that affect staff self-perception, confidence and attitude. Critical language causes poor interpersonal relationships and low self-confidence whereas supportive language and tones has the opposite effect.

Foreign Languages

These days, offices may have native speakers of over 50 languages all under one roof. It is important that the main language of the office is established, whether it be English, French or Spanish. Once this is constituted all employees should only converse in the main language. This avoids exclusion of staff who can not understand other languages. In addition, a company should ensure that all its employees are fully conversant in the main language. Language tuition should be seen as a necessity not a luxury.


International businesses with a highly diverse workforce in terms of nationality and cultural background face challenges from the differences in language, values, belief systems, business ethics, business practices, behaviour, etiquette and expectations.

Cross cultural differences can negatively impact a business in a variety of ways, whether in team cohesion or in staff productivity. As we have seen above, different methods of communication are just one area in which cross cultural differences are manifested.

In such multicultural companies, objective help may be needed through a cross cultural consultant who will show teams and individuals how to manage communication and work together more cohesively and productively.

Company Culture

Company culture pertains to the internal culture of a company in terms of how it is managed. For example, does the company view its different departments such as sales, production, administration and HR as closed or open systems? A closed system is one in which a total lack of synergy exists between a sales and production department due to the structure and communication lines between the two. A consequence of such compartmentalization is that managers of departments have a tendency to become territorial. It is vital that team work, team building and team spirit are encouraged in order to create open systems.

Such measures are especially valid in joint ventures and mergers whereby co-operation between two or more companies requires their total commitment to an open system.

Understandably many companies are primarily focused on the financial and strategic side of company operations. International businesses are now realising that many of their business problems have roots in man-management and communication.

In summary, we can conclude that the biggest hurdle to effective cross cultural communication is a reluctance to invest in the expertise and resources needed to overcome the problems as outlined above. Cross cultural hurdles are easily negotiable with some objective and well-qualified assistance.

For more information please visit

Neil Payne is Director of London based consultancy

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Culture and Website Localization

Culture and Website Localization

With the rise in ownership of computers and internet usage growing daily, the internet is fast becoming the primary port of call for information, shopping and services. In addition, those computer and internet users are increasingly from non-English speaking countries. At the end of 2002, it was estimated that 32% of internet users were non-native English speakers. This figure is constantly rising. In response, businesses have quickly become aware of the benefits of website localization.

Website localization is the process of modifying an existing website to make it accessible, usable and culturally suitable to a target audience. Website localization is a multi-layered process needing both programming expertise and linguistic/cultural knowledge. If either is missing, the chances are that a localization project will encounter problems.

In the majority of cases it is the lack of linguistic and cultural input that lets a website localization project down. In order to give an insight into the impact culture has on website localization the following examples depict areas in which a solid understanding of the target culture is necessary.

Language in Website Localization

Translating a website from English into another language is not as simple as it may appear. There are numerous factors that have to be taken into consideration when translating a websites’ content. Do all the words, phrases, sayings and metaphors translate directly to the target language? Would it be wise to translate the phrase “everyman for himself” in text describing a company or product if this is going to be read by a highly collectivist culture? Does the content of your website use humour and if so will the target culture appreciate or even understand it? Native alternatives should always be sought and used in any website localization.

When translating into another language carefully consider the variants. If it is to be an Arabic website then is aimed at Tunisians or Iraqis, Egyptians or Yemenis? If you are targeting all Arabic speakers then ensure Modern Standard Arabic has been employed by your translator.

One must analyse the style of the language and the target audience. If the audience is foreign business personnel, the vocabulary, grammar and punctuation must reflect this. If the audience is informal or youth orientated then a more relaxed language must used. Just as we in the UK would identify the difference between a site using ‘posh English’ and ‘street English’, other cultures will have the same perceptions of language. Using the wrong language for the wrong reader in your localization project will lead to a misunderstanding of the site or company.

It is essential to assess what information is necessary to carry over into the new site. Do not assume that all information on the English site is automatically transferred over. One must evaluate the target culture and society. Is it a culture that relies on information rich writing to fully understand a concept or product or is a culture that relies more on images or one that needs little text to grasp ideas and concepts? If your English site employs a lot of technical language then consider how best to transfer these concepts without the use of language.

Pictures in Website Localization

Images carry many subtle cultural messages within them. These can speak volumes about your company or product. Pictures or images may have certain negative connotations that may repel viewers. This is now an area that thankfully is receiving attention in website localization.

For example, if a travel site in a Muslim populated country used pictures of scantily clad women in bikinis, disco dancing and beer drinking, the chances are that they would not be very successful.
When including pictures of personnel it is wise to tailor these to what the target audience will look positively upon. A picture of the Director behind a desk in an office will be fine for a seniority respecting society, but for an egalitarian society it is better to show the Director mixing with staff.

It is through pictures that websites can either relate to an audience or repel them.

Symbols in Website Localization

As with pictures, symbols can cause problems in localization. Icons using fingers such as an OK sign or V-sign may mean different things to different cultures. Our Western symbols do not always mean the same abroad. An oft cited example is the representation of the house referring to a home page, or a letterbox to mail. The use of animals in logos can cause embarrassment and further problems. For example, pigs are considered unclean in the Middle East and cows as holy in India.

Colours in Website Localization

Colours are also loaded with cultural meanings that need to be analysed in website localization. Choosing the wrong colour for your logo or background will not always have disastrous consequences, but avoiding them is always advisable.For example, in Japan white is commonly associated with mourning. In China red is auspicious. In Africa certain colours represent different tribes.

Navigation in Website Localization

It is even the most taken for granted aspects of website layout that must be analysed properly for a successful localization project. In the West we assume that how we present websites is how it naturally should be done. This is far from the truth.

A common problem experienced in localization is the effect on layout through translation. Foreign scripts can make your pages need more room or less room depending on the target language in the localization. Not all languages read from left to right. Arabic is from right to left and both Japanese and Chinese are from top to bottom.

Access to certain pages is also a factor that can be considered as relevant. Highly hierarchical cultures may view a site positively if it is ‘member only’ access, whereas an egalitarian culture may find it disagreeable.

Content in Website Localization

Examining your written content in any localization process in critical to its success. This is not only important for proper transfer of aspects such as dates, currencies, and units of measurement but for the presenting the correct image.

For example, will the site focus on a product or a company? Both bring with them certain considerations dependent on the target culture. If a company is marketing itself in a culture that respects seniority and hierarchy, readers will want to see information on senior members. Along with their titles and rank they will also want to evaluate them through information on their professional qualifications, experience and contacts. These areas in the UK may generally be avoided as in our culture it is bordering on self-indulgence and boasting.


Culture affects everything we do, say, read, hear and think and even websites cannot escape the influence of culture.

The impact of culture on website localization is huge. The above few examples are literally the tip of the iceberg. The number of variables that have to be taken into consideration requires the expertise of both a website designer along with a cross cultural communications consultant. In tandem they can identify the issues that will impact on the successful localization of a site.

At a time where the internet is entering more and more houses it is crucial that companies involved in the internationalization of their business consider website localization and take care to use effective cross cultural analysis.

Neil Payne of is the Director of cross cultural communications consultancy Kwintessential.

Permission is granted to reproduce the article in full on the condition I am made aware of any intention to use it.

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Cross Cultural Communication Consultants

Cross Cultural Communication Consultants

Cross cultural communication consultants have come a long way in the short period of time such specialists have been in demand. No longer are they expatriates with a few years overseas experience and the capability to impart their knowledge onto others. Cross cultural consultants now bring expertise that is founded upon a number of key factors.

Cross cultural consultants generally have a broad knowledge and experience of two or more different cultures. This knowledge is then employed to assist companies and individuals overcome challenges brought about through cross cultural differences in business. Areas in which assistance is needed may range from relocation briefings to company mergers or management techniques. The ability to diagnose and treat cross cultural problems is developed through their experience in a number of different fields.

Academic Knowledge

Cross cultural consultants will generally have an academic background either in specific courses such as ‘Cross Cultural Communication and Trade’ or ‘Cross Cultural Psychology’ or in related courses such as ‘International Relations’ or ‘Business Studies’. Their studies will equip them with the academic skills and knowledge of the field that will later be applied in the business context.

Business Know-how

It is critical for cross cultural consultants to have considerable business experience. If this is lacking then academic knowledge is not usually sufficient to understand the mechanics of business operations. In order to understand how things work and the different challenges facing managers and staff it is critical to have experienced it first hand.

Training Experience

Through courses and practical experience a cross cultural consultant will have knowledge of training techniques. This will include communication skills, presentation methods, the use of activities and utilization of different technology and media.

Living Abroad

Experience of living abroad, mixing with different cultures, speaking different languages and working in foreign offices is vital for any cross cultural consultant. Without having been exposed to a different culture how can one advise on working effectively with that culture? It is important that this emersion in the target culture has been to the extent that the cross cultural consultant can totally empathise with the culture and understand its dynamics.

Speaking a Foreign Language

Language carries with it cultural coding. All experts, commentators and linguists are unanimous that without knowledge of the language the culture can never be appreciated. A cross cultural consultant will therefore have this insider knowledge not only through living and working in a country but also by using and understanding the language.

The complexity and diversity of cross cultural challenges in the international business world is reflected in the broad knowledge and skills of cross cultural consultants. Drawing on expertise gained through a variety of interrelated fields, the cross cultural consultant is now truly a specialist of great importance.

For more information on cross cultural communications visit

Neil Payne is Director of London based cross cultural communications consultancy

Permission is granted to reproduce thi article in its entirety on the condition an courtesy e-mail is sent,

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Cross Cultural Solutions for International Business

Globalisation, the expansion of intercontinental trade, technological advances and the increase in the number of companies dealing on the international stage have brought about a dramatic change in the frequency, context and means by which people from different cultural backgrounds interact.

Cross cultural solutions to international business demands are increasingly being viewed as a valid and necessary method in enhancing communication and interaction in and between companies, between companies and customers and between colleagues.

Cross cultural consultancies are involved in aiding companies to find solutions to the challenges cross cultural differences carry.

International and national businesses are ultimately the result of people. As with incompatible software, if people are running on different cultural coding, problems can occur. Cross cultural consultancies therefore concentrate their efforts on interpersonal communication.

Different cultures and cultural backgrounds between a highly diverse staff base brings with it obstacles, challenges and difficulties. Cross cultural differences manifest in general areas such as in behaviour, etiquette, norms, values, expressions, group mechanics and non-verbal communication. These cross cultural differences then follow on through to high level areas such as management styles, corporate culture, marketing, HR and PR.

In order to overcome potential pitfalls, specialist attention is required in the form of a cross cultural consultant. As one would approach a doctor for a medical diagnosis or an accountant to examine finances, cross cultural consultants offer the expertise, experience and know-how to diagnose problems and provide solutions to interpersonal cultural differences.

Within companies there are many facets in which cultural differences manifest. Some key areas which cross cultural consultants deal with include, but are not exclusive to, the following:

Cross Cultural HR: HR covers a wide range of business critical areas that need cross cultural analysis. Consultants may offer advice on a number of areas including recruitment, relocation, international assignments, staff retention and training programmes.

Cross Cultural Team-Building: in order to have a well functioning business unit within a company, communication is critical. Cross cultural consultants will provide tools and methods to promote staff integration, reduce cross cultural conflicts and build team spirit. This is essentially done through highlighting differences and building on strengths to ensure they are used positively.

Cross Cultural Synergy: international mergers, acquisitions and joint-ventures require people from different cultural backgrounds to harmonise in order to succeed. Cross cultural consultants counsel on group mechanics, communication styles, norms, values and integration processes.

Cross Cultural Awareness Training: working with colleagues, customers or clients from different cultural backgrounds, with different religions, values and etiquettes can occasionally lead to problems. Cross cultural awareness training is usually a generic introduction into a culture, country, region or religion. The aim is to equip the trainee with the adequate knowledge to deal comfortably with people from different cultures, avoiding misunderstandings and mistakes.

Cross Cultural Training for Expatriate Relocation: staff that travel overseas need to understand the cultural basics of the host country or region. Knowledge of the country’s history, culture, laws, traditions, business practices and social etiquettes all help to minimise the impact of culture shock and hence smooth their transition overseas.

Cross Cultural Negotiations: equipped with their knowledge of the two or more cultures that can be meeting around the negotiation table, a cross cultural consultant advises on areas such as negotiation strategies, styles, planning, closure and etiquette in order to increase the chance of a successful outcome, free from misunderstandings, suspicions and general cross cultural communication breakdown.

Cross Cultural PR Consultancy: brand image, public relations and advertising are all areas companies must be careful of when moving out of the national context. Tastes and values change dramatically from continent to continent. It is crucial to understand whether the brand name, image or advertising campaign is culturally applicable in the target country. Cross cultural consultants examine words, images, pictures, colours and symbols to ensure they fit well with the target culture.

Cross Cultural Language Training: Language training is an area where little investment is made by companies, but where the business advantages are great. Linguistic knowledge goes a long way in bridging cultural gaps and smoothing lines of communication. Cross cultural consultancies provide language training to business staff, moulding their learning to the business environment in which they work.

In conclusion, clearly the role and expertise of cross cultural communication consultants is important for today’s international business. The potential pitfalls cross cultural differences present to companies are extensive. In essence a cross cultural consultant’s primary objective is integration. This integration, between colleagues, clients and customers is crucial for business success. Equipped with experience, knowledge and above all objectivity, a cross cultural consultant creates bridges of understanding and opens lines of communication.

For more information on cross cultural communication please visit

Neil Payne is Director of cross cultural communications consultancy Kwintessential.

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The State of the American Economy and Its Relation to National Politics

Over the past several months, the condition of the United States economy has been a concern on the minds of many. And, although most economists now agree that we are currently in the state of a recession, it is debatable as to how concerning this recession really is.

On September 15, the Dow Jones Industrial dropped more than 500 points following the weekend announcement that two market giants Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. and Merrill Lynch & Co. would be going under. This has thrown some into a panic while others continue to watch and wait.

It is basic economics, which any first-year college student can tell you, that recessions are a naturally occurring phenomenon. Although it can be unfortunate sometimes, economic growth requires a period of balance. Thus, without periods of recession, we could never have periods of progression.

For example, there was a recession in the mid-1990's before a period of growth going into the new millennium. There was another just after the terrorist attacks of 9-11 which was followed up by arguably the greatest economic growth in our nation's history.

One question on the minds of many Americans is, "who is to blame?"

Some politicians like Senator Barack Obama, like to blame the oppositional party when it might benefit them to do so. In this case, this philosophy is irrational and highly inaccurate. As that we are a capitalist economy, the federal government is limited in its power and influence over business.

Obama suggests President George W. Bush and his party-mates are the problem here. Well, as a member of the executive branch of government, Bush has no ability to institute law in relation to business. On the other hand, the Congress, being the legislative branch, does have some say here. However, rather than react appropriately, the overwhelmingly Democratic Congress has invested more of their time into such efforts as renaming post offices than strengthening the economy.

On the other hand, although he should have clarified his comments immediately, Senator John McCain's comments have been a bit more realistic. He suggested that the fundamentals of the U.S. economy are strong. He should have informed the American public of his definition of "fundamentals" which he later defined as the skills and work ethic of the American worker.

However, as opposed to Obama, McCain places the blame on companies themselves. And, now that these businesses are constantly replacing workers with automated systems and sending jobs overseas for slave wages, nobody can really argue his logic.

I truly believe that to find the source of this current recession, one need not look any further than the pocketbook of the average American CEO, cooperate spending and the ugly monster known as greed.

Multi-million dollar bonuses, the aforementioned trend toward outsourcing and an increased emphasis on profit margins have been killers. And, who can forget the pathetic business practices of mortgage companies and those dumb enough to fall into their traps.

As always, we will come out of this recession, it's just a matter of when. What we must ask ourselves is these two questions: "Do we really want a man with only 11 years of political experience running our country in these times?" or "Do we want to rely on McCain, with decades of experience and a VP who has actually been the only person on either ticket to work with a budget, to be leaders?

The answer seems pretty obvious to me.

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Barack Obama's Extraordinary Rise In Politics, "The Obamagic"

It is evident that in politics predictions are difficult. Even the best and brightest of political pundits with so many years of intellectual and practical experience behind them get it all wrong sometimes. In spite of the overwhelming difficulty in predicting political outcomes, certain outcomes defies comprehension. Barack Obama's rise falls into this category.

Barack Obama ever since he was elected into office as a Junior Senator from Illinois and assumed office in 2005 has been seen as a rising star with the ability to have a rich and successful political career and get very far in this respect.

In spite of his achievements prior to his election as US Senator 3 years ago, he was relatively unknown. For him to have come this far is very commendable. His "fast track" political career is simply unbelievable. Being audacious is not enough to guarantee perpetual success but the resilience to sustain this audacity to propel you from to success to success is what is really needed. It is not surprising that these qualities are lacking in many. Obama has these among other qualities. The man who wrote "the audacity of hope" is truly living it. The possession of such attributes among others such as charisma and intelligence does not necessarily follow that success is assured. It is not like the right combination of hydrogen and oxygen atoms to produce water. Obama's rise in the US political arena to the extent that he has been able to make such an impression and stamp his authority and clout over the political process can be compared to a protagonist in a Grisham or Ludlum novel.

When Obama decided to run for the presidency, in fact it seemed premature to most people. This is because he had been insufficiently tested in crucible of federal politics. The reason is that he was assumed to lack experience. In addition, would he be able to absorb the "shocks and hits" and not falter?

The ability to absorb "shocks and hits" and still remain undettered is a major characteristics that sets political giants apart from the others. President Bill Clinton has one or two advise to give on this. It will be unwise for President Clinton to make public such advise in this area. Clinton will obviously divulge such tactical secret to Hillary his better half. Since she is on the chase having the table turned and pursuing "Obamagic" which has gripped the United States.

Senator Clinton is very eloquent and intelligent and was seen as a front runner. But Obama's win in Iowa and The impressive performance of Obama in South Carolina meant that the race for the Democratic presidential candidacy was not still tight and open. The overwhelmingly impressive performance in the Super Tuesday meant Obama could no longer be dismissed as a lucky politician whose achievement on this political journey will luck energy to fuel such an enormous momentum.

Even after Super Tuesday, with successive wins over Senator Clinton in many states including major states like Washington, Maryland, Virginia and Wisconsin meant that Senator Clinton the front runner is now chasing Obama and finding it difficult to stand up and keep pace with Senator Obama.

In spite of this development Senator Clinton can not be dismissed. She is eloquent and intelligent in her own right and capable of turning things around. Though now it seems most difficult at this stage but not impossible due to the unpredictability of politics. If this happens it will be one of the most extraordinarily surprising outcomes and "comebacks" ever. She is fighting a good fight but so far Obama is simply a major stumbling block to Senator Clinton and the Democratic presidential candidacy. In his speeches Obama seems to have an overwhelming power over words and delivers them with passion and poise which endear him to the American people. His charisma is profoundly magnetic which draws people to him.

Obama seems to have shattered the long time held prejudice that a black person can not get that far in politics. Though Jesse Jackson and Alan Keyes have been unable to get this far, Obama has, and that erroneous belief can now be dismissed with contempt. American have shown and are showing that the "land of the free" with the Statue of Liberty which greets many is indeed a land where one can aspire to be whatever he wants to become no matter how far fetched the aspiration is. Indeed the first black person and the first woman thus far have shown such maturity, intelligence that indeed they have made history.Their names will always be remembered from generation to generation.


Understanding 911 and the Politics of Blame

These 911 Commission hearings are fascinating. But lurking beneath the surface is something that really bothers me.

They don’t get it.

Then again, we don’t, either. It’s not enough to point the finger at those who did it. No, our blood lust demands more. So our “unbiased” bi-partisan surrogates are looking under every rock for someone else to blame.

But they’re looking in the wrong place. They should start with us.

Now, don’t think for a second that I want to give us some giant guilt complex. That monkey’s on our backs already. Here we are, the nation of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, standing before the world as a beacon of light. And somehow we’ve misplaced our torch.

Let’s face it. We’re confused, stumbling around in the dark.

We delude ourselves into thinking we’re a bastion of freedom. Perhaps in a sense we are, at least to the extent we haven’t traded it for a false sense of self-righteousness. But as far as lighting the way for others to follow, we’ve got a long way to go.

We pray not to the God that speaks to us from the silence within, but to the god of comfort, acquisition, and preservation of our over-indulgent lifestyles. While much of the world is experiencing the stirrings of awakening consciousness, we’re content to sit back and tell them, “Sorry, guys. You’re on your own.”

And while many struggle to claim their own right of self-determination, our demand for more, bigger, better spurs our leaders to ride out on our nation’s technological steed, wielding a sword of righteous indignation. And if they don’t keep the heathens from the gates of our magnificent creation, we’ll get someone who will.

With that perspective, the 911 commission is doing us a big favor. They’re wielding the broom so we can pretend we’re sweeping out all the cobwebs that contributed to this horrible event. But when they’re done, we’ll still have our heads in the sand.

And the wounds that give rise to terrorism and conflict between cultures will continue to fester.

So what are we doing to combat the root causes that led to this mess in the first place? Do we ask our leaders to address the underlying problems of religious conflict, nationalism, hunger, and political oppression? No, we put them on the hot seat to explain how they let some third-world terrorists awaken us from our reverie. While we sit back wringing our hands, demanding they build our walls a little higher. We arm ourselves even more, hoarding the spoils of our conquests. Thomas Jefferson would have been proud.

Can I let you in on a secret?

Some of us want more of our nation. More than a safe place to live, more than a reasonable income to feed our families, and even more than sand in which to stick our heads.

In fact, we want more from ourselves. We want to stand up and be counted, to make a difference and this world a better place. But those desires stem not from a reaction to protect our way of life, but from the inner whispers of our souls. Perhaps the 911 tragedy was a wake up call for some, but for most it only accelerated what was already happening inside.

Many are beginning to wonder where our great experiment of democracy is headed. What is our role in the world?

Sure, we need to protect ourselves from wanton destruction. But we are so much more than a loud mouth carrying a big stick, threatening to swing it at anyone who so much as gives us a dirty look.

We’re supposed to be a nation of vision, where inner guided principles and individual rights take precedence over everything else. Isn’t it time we walk the walk, and demand our leaders put that vision before commercial interests, or the most recent blip in the economy? Or will we keep letting them buy us off through entitlements and pork-barrel benefits?

Some say we should go beyond our role of world cop to one of true leader, not by force, but by love and patient guidance. That doesn’t mean rolling over and playing dead. But it does mean putting our actions where our principles are, and not simply reaching to protect our wallets.

Our technology has created the means to draw this world together into one big society. Yet sometimes it seems we stand in the way of that happening, even as the downtrodden of the world demand a piece of the pie of abundance.

If you’re a parent, you know there comes a time to let our kids grow up. And when they do, we have to let them stand, and fall, on their own. And hopefully we’ll be there to help them up when they do.

The rest of the world is much like our children, and we’re the parents. We’ve fed it these values for 200+ years. Now it’s growing up, and wants to be treated as an adult, not someone to forever be bullied and controlled. How will we respond?

Will we beat them into submission? Or let them choose their own way while holding out the vision of a way to peace and happiness that they, too, may find of value?

Maybe we can drag them out behind the woodshed for a while longer. Eventually, though, what goes around comes around. They’ll grow up, and the beating will be on us.

In the meantime, we know what we have to do. We’ve got to throw the bums out. Because if we don’t, we may be forced to look at the ones who are really to blame.

And that’s one the 911 commission wouldn’t touch with a 10 foot pole.

Copyright 2004 by John Dennison. John is a voice for those who do not hear or know they have an inner voice. Author of Whispers in the Silence: Living by the Light of Your Soul, he can be reached at or visit him at, home for those who know their own way.

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Victims Of Political Correctness

In the United States it is both legal and perfectly acceptable to say that homosexuality is not immoral before anyone with an ear to listen. It is also perfectly acceptable to the hearer or reader of such a statement to agree or completely disagree with the statement. Or is it?

In fact it is not. While it has not become the law of the land to hold to hold an opposing opinion it can be stifled, refused and rejected depending what platform or what place the assertion is made.

The writer of the aforementioned statement was complaining about the military’s “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy in regards to homosexuality. He thought it was wrong to force the homosexual soldier to have to live a lie.

It is impossible to miss yet another double standard here that has emerged with the ongoing concept of political correctness.

I have written two books and have hundreds of articles read throughout the world. I have columns online as well as articles in nationally syndicated periodicals and I have only had three articles rejected. The reasons, “not politically correct.” The incorrectness sited was saying that homosexuality was immoral. No, I wasn’t asked my opinion but I was told I couldn’t “tell” it. Maybe I need help here but it sounds just like “six of one and a half dozen of the other” to me.

Being a Christian I cannot espouse or suggest that homosexuals should be hated or harmed in any way whatsoever. To harm them would be clearly unlawful and immoral. It is an opinion not a battleaxe. If it is perceived as one then the kind of slander and character assassination that passes by political correctness proponents of the hour might be considered something akin to a nuclear weapon.

Few Americans have not heard the rantings of Charlie Sheen, Bill Maher, Sean Penn and Rosie O’Donnell regarding everyone from Jerry Falwell to President Bush. Of late even the Pope has taken a few slams.

The President has been called a murderer, a liar and some names I don’t care to mention here. None of the chiefs or architects of political correctness had anything negative to say about these remarks. They are acceptable under PCs one sided definition. No one was censured for making these remarks and we can assume no ones written statement was excluded or deleted. Where then is the balance, where is the fairness, suffice it to say it is conspicuously missing.

Am I on a soap box? As long as my feet are planted here in America, you bet I am. I’m not mad at homosexuals I am rather quite displeased with the one sided and unreasonable double standards of political correctness. If that seems hard to understand remember that even as I write I have in mind previous experiments with political correctness that miserably failed. To be fair they did much more than fail because at the peak of its acceptance it cost the lives of millions of people.

Throughout history there have been despots, rulers and regimes that have decided what people could say or not say. In modern times that is often referred to as “the party line.”

Nazi Germany had one, Communism had one and China’s Mao had one. Has the “party line” shown up in America incognito, perhaps even clandestinely under a different name?

Do we need to be reminded that when taken seriously forcing people to mouth only “the party line” can and does cost millions of lives? Joseph Stalin alone is credited with the death of thirty million of his own countrymen for refusing to talk the right talk. In many cases their deaths were predicated only on a perceived truth and not based in proof that they ever spoke a single word against Stalin’s policies.

The writer of the article previously mentioned in this article has a perfect right under the constitution to state his opinion and to put it forth with all argument and reason as he sees fit. Why is it that those with opposing views are getting censured more and more?

More people then ever are questioning both the meaning and the legality or constitutionality of the concept of “political correctness”, among them of late has been highly respected Pastor John Hagee. He too is warning of the dangers of leaving this threat to freedom unchecked. Others are joining the ranks against this precursor to thought policing and I stand with them.

Rev Bresciani is the author of two Christian books one that is entirely on the second coming of Christ. He is a contributing columnist for several online news and commentary sites. His articles are read throughout the world. Please enjoy a visit to

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Political Branding

To avoid partisan potshots, I disclose in advance that I am neither a Republican nor Democrat, nor could I be classified as a liberal or conservative. Thus my following analysis is one purely aimed at examining how brands work in presidential politics.

In other words, don't bother commenting if the analysis annoys your personal partisan political peccadilloes. This is about marketing and not the mayhem of presidential elections.

Much has been written in the last year about the destruction of the Republican "brand". A brand - be it for a PC, politician, or even a PC politician - is what the market (voters) think and feel about the product. Yes, politicians and parties are products that can be bought though the price is too high for the average consumer/voter.

Many Republicans felt their party no longer had a brand. Many core Republican/conservative policies appear to have been abandoned by the Bush administration. Translate this into a technology product that had for many years delivered on the core features and functions it promised to provide. Then say that the new release of the product had massive bugs that the vendor did not fix that diminished or eliminated the usefulness of those features. Some GOP members viewed their party as Windows XP users view Vista - failing to faithfully deliver fundamental value.

This is where belief systems enter into marketing. People often believe things about a brand that are not true. But when faced with continuing failure to deliver on a branded value proposition, people quit believing in the brand. In this election cycle we see two brand battles raging. The GOP had lost its brand and is now actively redefining/reclaiming it.

Let's look at each starting with the Democrats. Obama - like any candidate - needs to keep the trust of all classes of people. He set forth a brand which spoke broadly and elicited an amazing amount of response for a candidate with relatively little history. Bowling badly or making three-point buckets spoke well to the working classes who hold the keys to certain battleground states. But Obama's "guns and religion" statement while raising funds in a San Francisco "Billionaire Row" mansion shattered that believability and damaged his brand value in those markets. Blue collar and Blue Dog Democrats indicate they may sit out this election based on brand misalignment. His selection of Biden did nothing to help regain those voters.

McCain's team managed to something that any marketing strategist would love to achieve. They managed to find a brand and value proposition that was broadly popular, that matched the existing brand essence of the candidate, and located a running mate who brought additional authenticity (real or imagined) to the new brand. In other words, GOP marketing strategists scored a trifecta on brand management.

Let's circle back to the Silicon Strategies Marketing copyrighted definition of a brand: a brand is what the market thinks and feels about your product. McCain had for years developed a reputation as both a maverick and a reformer. In fact the media made so much of this McCain value proposition that it became "knowledge" instead of "belief" among most Americans. The market of voters thus "thought" McCain to be a reformer. Adding Palin to the ticket - exploiting her highly personal "small town, common sense" brand - emotionally reinforced the ticket's reformer brand. GOP strategist realigned the original "small government" GOP brand to the existing McCain/Palin brands. Then they used this to co-opt Obama's "change" brand, simultaneously strengthening the GOP brand and weakening the Obama brand.

Polls indicate the plan worked very well.

Obama can only counter this in two ways:

* Try to destroy the McCain brand, which can only be done through negative attacks. This is a bad move because Obama based much of his brand on being a nice guy, rising above "politics as usual". Going negative would be to destroy his own brand.
* Create a more authentic Obama brand: This is tough because many of the mistakes his campaign made (hijacking the presidential seal, mass rallies in Berlin, the "guns and religion" sound bite) has reduced the public perception that Obama is "authentic". Even San Francisco's eccentric former Mayor Willie Brown - a Democrat to the end - thinks "Obama still appears overscripted. Too perfect."

Here are the basic branding lessons to learn from this year's election cycle:

1. Be faithful to your brand: The Republican's learned the hard way that the moment you stop "walking the walk" buyers/voters vanish. The GOP got lucky in finding a new brand that worked in the 11th hour.
2. Do not invent a brand that is not authentic: Obama learned that you cannot talk "small town" in Scranton then disrespect "small town" in San Francisco.
3. Represent your brand at every touch point: You receptionist should reinforce your brand. McCain picked a running mate that reinforced his.

Guy Smith is the chief consultant for Silicon Strategies Marketing. Guy brings a combination of technical, managerial and marketing experience to Silicon Strategies projects. Directly and as a consultant, Guy has worked with a variety of technology-producing organizations. A partial list of these technology firms include DeviceAnywhere (mobile applications), ORBiT Group (high-availability backup software), Telamon (wireless middleware), Wink Communications (interactive television), LogMeIn (remote desktop), FundNET (SaaS), DeviceAnywhere (mobile applications), Open-Xchange (groupware), VA Software (enterprise software), Virtual Iron (server virtualization), SUSE (Linux distributions and applications), BrainWave (application prototyping) and Novell.

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Very Cheap Car Insurance - Safe As Well As Economical

Car insurance premiums are not usually inexpensive and with good reason: some policies stand to pay out hundreds of thousands of dollars in the case of a severe accident. This, of course, creates a quandary for those who must scrape money together to afford those premium payments that might very well be out of the budget range of the policy seeker.

Now, this does not mean that the individual must quit driving because he or she can not afford the policy. What it does mean is that the individual simply need look for very cheap car insurance elsewhere.

Acquire A Protected Automobile:

There are a number of reasons that certain providers might offer lower rates and very cheap car insurance offers, but all these separate reasons derive from one area: competition. All insurance providers are in competition with one another for your business. Because of this, certain providers might offer a great deal on insurance. You will not find these specials, however, if you do not look for them or examine quotes from carious providers. In other words, you have to do a little legwork of your own to locate very cheap car insurance deals.

If you are lucky to find an insurance provider that makes you a great deal on a premium, it is not time to celebrate yet. There is still a little bit more work to do. Repeating the much repeated phrase by Ronald Reagan, when it comes to an insurance provider "Trust, but verify." (Ok, Ronald Reagan was actually referring to the art of negotiating with the Soviet Union, but the sentiment is similar) When you see an offer for very cheap car insurance, you should not immediately jump on the offer without having first performed due diligence on the provider.

That is, make sure that the provider is reliable in terms of making payments and that the low cost insurance is backed up by reliability and dependability.


This may sound like an academic point, but you must be sure that the very cheap premium is still in your affordability range. This may require a little fiscal budget management work on your part, but it will be time well spent in the end. After all, you do not want to run into arrears with your insurance and have the policy cancelled on you, do you?

Everyone must have car insurance as the law states, and it's necessary in case you ever have an accident. Car insurance can prevent the need to pay loads of money to get your car fixed should you ever have an accident. Nobody wants to get into an accident, but it's best to be prepared in case the unthinkable happens. However, just because you need car insurance doesn't mean that you must pay a lot of money for it. That's why you should research as much as possible to ensure you get the best deal. It may take a long time, as there are many car insurance companies to choose from, but there is always that one company that wants to offer you very cheap car insurance, you just have to find it.

You can also find more info on car insurance policy and car insurance quote is a comprehensive resource to get help about car insurance.

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Subprime Auto Loans - Flexible As Per Your Economic Condition

Subprime borrower implies people having credit vulnerability but still they are worth enough to be lent money. And subprime auto loans are specially premeditated to help such kind of people to buy the car of their dreams. Lenders are considering potential market lying in between bad credit holders and coming forward to help them out even though they are exposed to higher amount of risk

Subprime auto loans exclusively designed for those people who are burdened with credit and financial difficulties. These loans are also great for those who are looking to reestablish their damaged credit. If you fall under any of these categories it is a good idea to choose these loans. These loans help you to reestablish your damaged credit history, or purchase a new home before cleaning your credit history. Generally subprime auto loans are offered on a short term basis like 2 to 3 years.

You can take either short term or long term subprime auto loans. In case of short term ones money has to be paid back within a short span of time, but with the other one there is no such restriction. You can pay the money back within a time period of 15 to 25 years.

Nowadays all loan lending companies are offering these auto loans with different flexible terms and conditions. If you go online then also you will get a number of quotes available from different lenders. Depending on your present financial situation you can select one of them.

Subprime auto loans will get you enough money to buy a new or used car of your own choice. Along with the security provided against the loan you will also have to go for a down payment against the loan. Once you choose your car all figures related to loan will be decided. So choose your car according to your budget.

Kalvin Jason is proficient in the credit market because of a degree in finance from the esteemed University of Oxford. He has also done his masters in insurance management from Risk Management Research Institute. To find Luxury auto loans, Auto loans, Auto financing visit

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Hard Economic Times in US Provides Opportunity For Foreign Corporate Shoppers

With many Industry Sectors in the United States falling apart during the recession there sure are a lot of bargains out there; companies, which have had their stock price reduced to delisting status and yet they have billions of dollars in assets. What a perfect buying opportunity for saving foreign investors. But the US is not alone in these turbulent times and recession that is hitting so many of our allies, trading partners and friends around the globe.

Still there are some nation states that still hold a lot of chips and have a ton of cash right now. Consider if you will some of the oil exporting countries, which have been raking in hundreds of billions of dollars per quarter thanks to insanely high per barrel oil prices. These countries have the money and those who control the wealth in such nations have tremendous amounts of liquid assets and they are ready to go bargain hunting right now.

So, what are the bargains out there presently? Well, consider if you will companies like GM and Ford or the big airlines. Then there are steel companies, ship builders, construction companies, investment banks, and insurance companies. This is just a short list, think of all the companies ripe and ready for the picking? On Wall Street they have a couple of sayings. One is that; "When there is blood in the Streets there is opportunity!" and another that they teach at Harvard and Yale Business Schools; "There is opportunity in Chaos!"

You watch those foreign investment dollars come into our country and buy on the cheap, after all this is a once in a lifetime fire sale and there is big time opportunity right now. Think on this.

"Lance Winslow" - Lance Winslow's Bio. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance;

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5 Reasons Why an Economic Downturn is the Best Time to Start a Business

If you believe the headlines, you'd think that the current economic downturn spells certain death for business startups:

"Gas hits record high - Stocks plunge as oil spikes to a new record."
"No Signs of housing recovery. Single-family starts touch 17-year low. "
"Job losses: Worst in five years."

However, to those in the know, a poor economy can actually provide some incredible opportunities to savvy businesspeople, particularly those looking at business ownership. The key is to know how to take advantage of the situation and turn the lemons into lemonade.

Here are 5 reasons to buy a franchise NOW:

1. Interest rates are low. A weak dollar usually means lower interest rates. Although money can be tighter than Aunt Hilda's undies for shaky borrowers, those people with good credit are getting some excellent interest rates as the government reduces the prime in an effort to beef up the economy. If you are ready to become a business owner, don't wait for rates to rise. A low interest rate will mean more money in your pocket.

2. Banks consider a franchise purchase a "safe" investment. While start-up businesses are deemed risky, some financial institutions are well aware that franchising has a good record of success. Therefore, even in a weak economy banks are willing to provide loans for franchise purchases.

Some of the reasons that buying a franchise is considered a safer investment than a start-up include:
# A well-tested business model
# Thorough initial training
# Mandatory marketing program, ensuring adequate advertising
# Continuing franchisee support
# Brand recognition

3. Property values are down. This is a positive boon if you are looking for space to house your business? Prices for leasing or purchasing a business location can fluctuate along with the economy. Right now it's a buyers market but as the demand for space increases so will the cost. If you find a good price in a good location, act quickly. Just remember to have someone well versed in property legalese check out the terms of your purchase or rental agreement to be sure you are getting the best deal possible.

4. Looking for a employees? Layoffs happen so often that it hardly registers when GM, Ford or Chrysler announces it will be slicing off a chunk of its workforce. Microsoft, Yahoo and Apple get the big headlines but companies of all sizes and types turn to reducing their workers when the economy slows. However, what's bad for one group of people can be a benefit for another. Almost every business needs employees and chances are you'll find more highly qualified workers to choose from during an ailing economy than a healthy one.

5. Of course, if you are currently caught in the trap of being overworked and underpaid, starting or buying a business can help you land on your feet. If you are one of those laid off employees, what better way to recover from that personal hit than to start your own business?

Just how many times can you be let go or passed over for promotion? There are more top performers in corporate America than there are positions to reward them. When you've had enough of that roller coaster called corporate America, consider franchising as a work-around that will really work for you.

If you truly want to be your own boss, if you long to take control of your career, this is one of the best times to buy a business, particularly if you invest in a solid franchise with great training and support.

"Don't be afraid to take a big step if one is indicated; you can't cross a chasm in two small jumps." William Lloyd George

Tips for Buying a Franchise:

• Pick a recession resistant business.
• Look for one with a low start-up cost.
• If your credit isn't great, clean it up now. You'll need good credit to qualify for a franchise.
• Don't discount service businesses because they aren't "sexy." They are among the best values among franchises because of their lower entry cost, high demand and good margins.
• Stay within your budget. One of the main reasons for failure of a franchise is being under-capitalized.
• Search for an established franchise with numerous franchisees, which will give the bank plenty of data to ascertain the overall potential of the business.
• Read the Franchise Disclosure Document and other documents carefully.
• Your best source of information about a franchise opportunity is the existing franchisees. Use this resource wisely and you'll get a good sense of the overall business.
• Choose carefully. Unlike a job, which you can change at will, you'll need to stick with your franchise purchase to fully appreciate the return on your investment.

Interested in finding out the scoop on franchise and business opportunities? Want help in financing, managing and growing any business? Go to Carl Weiss' web radio show at

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